November 23, 2019

Follow Below Steps to setup MOODLE REST WEB SERVICES

Here you will find instructions to create Web Services on Moodle.
I am a Moodle expert. I have collected the information below from many different sources and I have eliminated their errors to give you an easy to follow tutorial together with a working example.
This tutorial creates a web service enabled to create a new user and then enroll this user to a course.

1) Create the user which will serve the web services. Go to:
Site Administrator > Users > Accounts > Add new user
Username: wsuser (user your own)
Password: (user your own)
Fill in the required fields.

2) Give the wsuser the appropriate role. Go to:

  • Site Administrator > Users > Permissions > Define roles
    press the Add new role button
  • Select Role archetype = ARCHETYPE: Manager and press continue
    On the form:
    Web Service User
  • Context types where this role may be assigned: System/User/Category/Course
  • Leave the rest selections as they appear.
  • Capabilities
    Add the following capabilities
  • Press Create this role button.

3) Assign System roles. Go to:
Site Administrator > Users > Permissions > Assign System Roles
Assign wsuser user.

4) Create the needed services. Go to:

  • Site Administrator > Plugins > Web Services > External Services
    We need the two services below:
  • a) Create user – service
    On custom services table press add.
  • Name: create_user
    Short: create_user
    Enabled should be checked
    Authorized users only should be checked
  • Press show more
    Search for capability moodle/user:create and select it.
  • Press add service.
    This service has no functions
  • Add functions
    Search for the core_user_create_user
    Select it and press add function.
  • b) Enroll user – service
    On custom services table press add.
    Name: enrol_user
    Short: enrol_user
    Enabled should be checked
    Authorized users only should be checked
  • Press show more
    Search for capability enroll/manual:enrol and select it.
    Press add service
    This service has no functions
  • Add functions
    Search for the enrol_manual_enrol_users
    Select it and press add function.
    On the list of custom services you have to add the authorized user to be the wsuser.

5) Create the Tokens. Go to:
Site Administrator > Plugins > Web Services > External Services > Manage Tokens


  • a) Create User
    Select user Web Service User
    Service – create user
    Save changes.
  • b) Enroll User
    Select user Web Service User
    Service – enrol user
    Save changes.
    You now have the two required tokens.

6) All web service protocols are disabled. The «Enable web services» setting can be found in Advanced features. Go to:
• Site Administrator > Advanced features > Enable web services checked – Save.
• Site Administrator > Plugins > Web Services > External Services > Manage Protocols.
Activate REST protocol.
Check the documentation box.

  • Site Administration->Users->Authentication->Manage Authentication :Enable Web services authentication

7) CURL.php is required on the client side. You may download it here.

8) Check if create user works using php code.
9) Check if enroll user works using php code.
10) The wsuser user can not assign role without being enrolled in the course/s!!!

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